Official Virgin Steele Merch

SKU : 249521


These men of Steele have been busy! Hot on the heels of last summer’s brand new Bombastic Epic release “THE PASSION OF DIONYSUS” coming this summer in addition to the re-release of the very first VIRGIN STEELE album, the second VIRGN STEELE album, “GUARDIANS OF THE FLAME”, will also be re-released in tandem with the first album in a very special edition, as a digi-CD and as a Gatefold Double Vinyl LP, and also in digital format. David DeFeis has included an additional moniker to this re-release…”The Anniversary Edition”, for like he has done with VIRGIN STEELE 1, he has completely re-mixed the album from start to finish. He had this to say to me, ”I felt compelled to add that additional title because just like with VS 1 this too is a very special reissue. And again…this too is a great celebration! As I did with VS 1, once again every song on the album has been lovingly restored, re-mixed with faith, heart & Steele.


1. DON’T SAY GOODBYE(TONIGHT)-(Anniversary Re-Mix)
2. BURN THE SUN-(Ann Re-Mix)
3. LIFE OF CRIME-(Ann Re-Mix
4. THE REDEEMER-((Ann Re-Mix
5. BIRTH THROUGH FIRE-(Anniversary Re-Mix)
6. GUARDIANS OF THE FLAME-(Anniversary Re-Mix)
7. METAL CITY-(Ann Re-Mix)
8. HELL OR HIGH WATER-(Anniversary Re-Mix)
9. GO ALL THE WAY-(Ann Re-Mix)
10. CHAOS CAPRICE-(Piano Solo from the original “Guardians” Sessions)
11. A CRY IN THE NIGHT(Ann Re-Mix 12. I AM THE ONE-(Anniversary Re-Mix, Bonus EP Track)
13. GO DOWN FIGHTING-(Anniversary Re-Mix, Bonus EP Track)
14. WAIT FOR THE NIGHT-(Anniversary Re-Mix, Bonus EP Track)
15. DESERT PLAINS-(Alternate Version Bonus Track) 
16. DIRTY BLONDE ANGEL(New Bonus Track)
17. THE HEAVEN’S DOOR SUITE-(New Bonus Track)