Judas Iscariot - THY DYING LIGHT CD

Official Judas Iscariot Merch



Second full length from Judas Iascariot, cold, grim, nihilistic black metal for fans of Burzum, Krieg and Draugar.


1....But Eternals Beheld His Vast Forest
2....His Eternal Life, Like a Dream, Was Obliterated
3....Helpless It Lay, Like A Worm In His Frozen Tracks
4....Behold, Our Race of Unstoppable Genius
5....From His Woven Darkness Above
6....Writhing Upon the Wind of Mystic Philosophy
7....They Saw His Pale Visage Emerge From The Darkness
8....Thy Dying Light And Desolate Darkness
9....Arise, My Lord of Infernal Wisdom