Official Red Harvest Merch



Norwegian Metal music has taken on many shapes over the past decade, but none have emerged into the painstaking profile of Pure Industrial Metal like Red Harvest. Over the past decade, the band has been battering down the walls between alternative art rock and metal mayhem. The Red Line Archives marks the beginning. The Red Line Archives marks the end. During the fall 2007, we became aware the ghost in the Red Harvest machinery. There were tracks and pieces that needed to be seen as a whole. This is a grim and inhumane collection of the most industrial tracks Red Harvest can offer to this date. This is the album that created itself within the other albums and projects, the soundtrack to a movie yet to be made, the soundtrack to the apocalypse. Something new, something old, something borrowed, something cold


1. Move Or Be Moved (Full Version Mix 2008) 

2. Dead (Sick Transit Gloria Mundi - 2002 :: ReFactor 2008)

3. Last Call (Cold Dark Matter - 2000)

4. Abstract Moral - Junction Mix (Internal Punishment Programs - 2004, Remix 2008)

5. Synthesize My DNA (Internal Punishment Programs - 2004)

6. Bleed (1996/2008)

7. 4418 (Internal Punishment Programs - 2004)

8. Desolation (Sick Transit Gloria Mundi - 2002)

9. Technocrate (Dunkelheit Version 2008 Mix)

10. Cyborg Era / Dead End (Remix 2008)

11. The Central Sun - Part 1 (1996)

Official Merch